Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba sends response about vote to remove Jubilee Mennonite Church from membership


I received the following from Jason Dyck, Director of Church Ministries for the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba, on behalf of himself and Provincial Director Cam Priebe. It came in response to my request for a comment in response to the March 4 vote to oust Jubilee Mennonite Church from membership.

Before anyone comments, please note the following.

First, unlike other provincial Mennonite Brethren conferences (or the national conference), Jason and Cam have shown themselves to be ready to comment and respond on the topic of LGBTQ+ inclusion and welcome. As a reporter, I appreciate that. (ONMB has not responded to my request for comment about the removal of Southridge of FreeChurch.)

Second, they have also shown themselves to be approachable, pastoral and willing to listen and engage with churches that are exploring LGBTQ+ welcome and inclusion. 

Third, I don’t envy them! They are caught in a tough situation between opposing views. 

Just thought I'd say that . . . 

Response from Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba

The Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba (MBCM) Leadership Board, Provincial Faith and Life Team, and staff recognizes that LGBTQ+ persons, along with their friends and families, have experienced exclusion and rejection in churches. 

While this is not everyone’s story, we understand that it is the story of many. We as MBCM Leadership are committed to a future where better stories are experienced. Each MBCM church is invited to join in this journey, where LGBTQ+ persons and their families experience community and care. 

We recognize that some of the implications of working to include and care for LGBTQ+ persons can come into tension with our shared confession. Each MBCM church has voluntarily joined the MBCM and committed themselves to the convictions outlined in our shared nationally held Confession of Faith. 

Our task, as MBCM leadership on a provincial level, is to maintain theological alignment among member churches. 

We also recognize that we operate from a place of perceived power. Power is often experienced as force, and there are ample examples of church institutions applying power in ways that fail. 

We strive to understand power through the life and person of Jesus. Our shared confession states that “The church is a covenant community in which members are mutually accountable in matters of faith and life.” We recognize that we serve from a position of authority and remain determined to function from a place of humility and kindness as members of that covenant community. 

Jason Dyck, Director of Church Ministries
Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your summary thoughts about the generous response of MBCM leadership and the difficult position they find themselves.


Update on this blog: Time for a pause