Wednesday, March 1, 2023

A report from the ONMB convention where Southridge Community Church and FreeChurch were removed from Conference membership


Someone who attended the Feb. 24-25 Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches (ONMB) convention—the one where Southridge Community Church and FreeChurch Toronto were removed from membership in the Conference—shared the following report with this blog. This person wishes to remain anonymous.

I want to start first by acknowledging that ONMB leadership provided ample space to discuss the suspensions and proposed expulsions, with a Zoom meeting four days prior to the convention and then an in-person breakout session on the day of the decision.

During the in-person breakout session, there was first a panel interview recapping the questions and answers from the Zoom meeting, followed by open mic questions and answers.

Those questions and comments from the in-person breakout included (paraphrased):

Q. What can we do about the storyline of condemnation and how do we enter the journey of reconciliation?  Would it not be wise to pause these processes? A. The clarity of our position is so important for our posture on this issue.

Q. "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:3).  Does this not apply to churches in a denomination? A. No, it does not. The invitation to unity needs to stand alongside ethics.

Q. Re: Southridge. Are we expelling congregations based on their intentions? Is that the precedence we want to set? Why not more time? A. It has not been a hasty process. Yes, congregations can be expelled for expressed intentions.

When it came to the motion to expel FreeChurch, it passed without much discussion and no dissenting voices. No representatives from FreeChurch were present at the convention or the Zoom meeting four days prior.

When the motion to expel Southridge Community Church came up, it was followed by many comments and questions.

Many voiced their support of the motion, with comments such as (paraphrased):

"Yes, Jesus showed grace, but he also took sin very seriously."

"Our congregation is new to this conference, but we are rejoicing to be part of a family that stands up for truth."

"We have had two study conferences on this subject and the matter is settled. Why are we still debating this?"

Many voiced dissent about the motion, with comments such as (paraphrased):

"How is this motion consistent with our Anabaptist identity which emphasizes Jesus's teaching of community marked by unity and fellowship? Reconciliation is the centre of our ministry."

"This motion to expel seems hasty. Should we be shutting down conversations this way?"

A delegate raised a question about the motion:

"I understand that this motion is here because some larger congregations within ONMB indicated that they would withdraw from the conference if Southridge were not suspended/expelled. If this vote is a 'no,' will those congregations rescind their ultimatums or follow through on them?"

The ONMB chair said that only those congregations could answer that question and welcomed them to speak to it. None did.

A delegate proposed an amendment to the motion, pointing out that Southridge Community Church represents three unique congregations in three distinct locations, one being the historic site of Niagara's first MB congregation (Vineland), and each with their own location pastor.

The amendment was proposed to reflect this, specifically naming all three congregations being expelled. The motion was defeated, albeit narrowly.

Another delegate pointed out that in discussing a motion to expel Southridge, no representative from Southridge was given the opportunity to speak and asked that they be given such an opportunity.

The ONMB Board agreed, and Jeff Lockyer (Southridge Lead Pastor) read a prepared statement which defended Southridge's intentions to fully include LGBTQ+ persons, disagreed with the motion to expel, yet expressed gratitude to ONMB leadership.

The motion passed with the required 2/3 majority, although no specific count of “for” or “against” was shared.

After concluding the business session, the ONMB Board invited Southridge pastors Jeff Lockyer and Jeff Martens forward for a previously agreed upon prayer of "blessing and release," blessing them for the shared work of God's Kingdom

ONMB leadership has been asked if they would like to make a statement about the vote and the process leading up to it.


Update on this blog: Time for a pause